Procedure Overview

Correctional jaw surgery involves changing the position of the upper or lower jaws and the related teeth to:

  • Optimize function (chewing, speaking and breathing)
  • Assist with facial soft tissue support
  • Correct facial proportions in the lower 2/3 of the face
  • Assist some patients with TMJ pain
  • Assist some patients who have moderate to severe sleep apnea

Most young adults who have crowding can undergo braces completed by the orthodontist/dentist with excellent results. However, occasionally braces are not enough to bring the teeth together.  This is due to a discrepancy in the size of the bottom or top jaws or both.


The timeline for orthognathic surgery can be lengthy. It particularly involves collaboration between your dentist, orthodontist and surgeon.

Orthodontist Evaluation

You will see your orthodontist who will determine if you are a candidate for orthognathic surgery.  Typically, 2D X-rays are taken at this time (Panorex, Lateral Cephalogram, Periapical X-rays)

Initial Consultation

6-18 months prior to your surgery you will meet us at Blueridge OMS for a consultation to map out the timeline. Initial 2D X-rays are reviewed, photographs are taken as well as an intraoral scan. We will look at your bite and determine which type of surgery is best.


Your orthodontist will the align the teeth in a way that will maximize the surgical outcome. Some patients may need to wear braces for 6-9 months, whereas more complex cases may require braces for up to 18 months or longer. Typically, after the surgery, braces are worn for another 3-6 months for fine tuning of the bite.

Intermediate appointment

Typically, 3 months prior to your scheduled surgery date, we like to see patients for a visit to check the progress and confirm if we are on pace.

Static wire placement, hooks and cleaning

1 month prior to your surgery your orthodontist will place static wires that are designed to prevent tooth movement as well as hooks that connect to your braces. You will also need a dental hygiene cleaning appointment at this stage.

At Blueridge OMS we take pride in providing the best care possible.Your safety, privacy and comfort are of the utmost importance.

— Dr. Osama Soliman

Final work-up

2-3 weeks prior to your surgery you will see us for a final workup. During this appointment, we will complete the entire medical modelling protocol for virtual surgical planning.


Typically, surgery is performed in the hospital, and will require at least a one night stay for postoperative monitoring

Postoperative management

Typically, you will need to see us for follow-up at 1, 3 and 5 weeks after surgery to monitor healing

Bite adjustments

Typically, after the surgery braces are worn for another 3-6 months for fine tuning of the bite.

Digital Workflow Process


Photographs, CBCT, Intraoral scan

Virtual Show & Tell

Custom parts ordered and design completed

3D Printed Surgical Guides

Planned with your dentist/denturist and our laboratory and implant partners

Surgery Day

Surgical Suites or Operating Room​ prepared. Options for awake, IV sedation or General anesthesia​ with in house Anesthesiologist for larger reconstructive surgery.

Surgery Follow Ups

Coordinated prosthetic solutions with your dentist/denturist and our laboratory and implant partners

Surgical Excellence



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