Procedure Overview

Most teeth that are extracted can be performed routinely by your general dentist. However, there are specific reasons why your dentist may want to refer you to see us at Blueridge OMS.

Some of the indications for removal of teeth include pain, severe decay, disease, infection, misalignment and crowding.

During an extraction, instruments are used to maneuver and loosen the tooth and to deliver it with forceps. Occasionally, a tooth may have curved roots or have extensive decay to the gum line requiring sectioning and delivery in segments. When the tooth is delivered in segments or when a flap is raised to gain better access to the tooth, it is known as a surgical extraction.

Most of the time, we can extract teeth in a short appointment with local anesthesia. We have options for sedation and even general anesthesia to make you more comfortable.

Typical recovery time before normal eating is usually 1-3 days depending on your medical history and complexity of the extraction.

At Blueridge OMS we take pride in providing the best care possible.Your safety, privacy and comfort are of the utmost importance.

— Dr. Osama Soliman

Digital Workflow Process


Photographs, CBCT, Intraoral scan

Virtual Show & Tell

Custom parts ordered and design completed

3D Printed Surgical Guides

Planned with your dentist/denturist and our laboratory and implant partners

Surgery Day

Surgical Suites or Operating Room​ prepared. Options for awake, IV sedation or General anesthesia​ with in house Anesthesiologist for larger reconstructive surgery.

Surgery Follow Ups

Coordinated prosthetic solutions with your dentist/denturist and our laboratory and implant partners

Surgical Excellence



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