Procedure Overview

Alveolar bone grafting is an important part of the reconstructive journey for many cleft lip and palate patients. Patients between the ages of 6-9 are candidates for alveolar cleft repair. By age six, patients will have had their cleft lip and/or palate repaired surgically. Also, they should have been assessed (and treated) for any issues to do with hearing and speech.

Age six is an important milestone as we begin to see a mixture of permanent and primary teeth. If the cleft affects the bone in the gum where the teeth sit (known as the alveolus), a bone graft may be needed. The graft serves to fill the gap in the gum so that adult teeth can erupt properly.

Why do I need the graft?

  • Stabilization of the upper jaw
  • Filling in the gap/cleft with bone to allow for eruption of the canine and sometimes the lateral incisor
  • Providing support to the nose
  • Helping with the closure of any remnant connection between the mouth and nose
  • Making it possible to insert a dental implant in the grafted site once the bone has healed

What does the process entail?

Patients who need the alveolar bone graft are typically referred around the age of six. A comprehensive examination and a 3D scan will be completed during consultation. The 3D scan taken using our CBCT machine is used to assess the size of the defect, and plan the surgical procedure. Sometimes, if the defect is small enough, a combination of synthetic bone graft plus bone obtained from a tissue bank are sufficient for reconstruction. For larger graft volumes, the gold standard is to obtain the majority or all of the graft from the front portion of the hip bone.

This procedure is typically completed in the hospital setting under general anesthesia with a one-night postoperative stay for monitoring.

Most patients are walking around easily within the first few days. Swimming and light activity is usually resumed after 1 month. Usually, full activity and any contact sports resumes at 3 months.

At Blueridge OMS we take pride in providing the best care possible.Your safety, privacy and comfort are of the utmost importance.

— Dr. Osama Soliman

Digital Workflow Process


Photographs, CBCT, Intraoral scan

Virtual Show & Tell

Custom parts ordered and design completed

3D Printed Surgical Guides

Planned with your dentist/denturist and our laboratory and implant partners

Surgery Day

Surgical Suites or Operating Room​ prepared. Options for awake, IV sedation or General anesthesia​ with in house Anesthesiologist for larger reconstructive surgery.

Surgery Follow Ups

Coordinated prosthetic solutions with your dentist/denturist and our laboratory and implant partners

Surgical Excellence



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